Posts tagged business advice
Success is Scaling Back

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve gone very quiet on this blog for the last 3 years. Some of that was the transition into motherhood, starting another business, and just being burned out on social media and cancel culture, if I’m being honest. I had run hard towards building my blog and my brand for the better part of 7 years, and I couldn’t handle the pace I had set for myself.

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If You Don't Know How to Handle It

About 6 years ago now, my first Pure Barre studio was in the works. I had signed my franchise agreement, scheduled my move to COS, and was spending my days trying to graduate college and begin my future. If you’ve never read the story, feel free to scroll far back in the Business section of this blog and get the full scoop from 2014. If you told me back then that I would one day be closed because of a global pandemic, well, I wouldn’t have known how to handle that.

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Stop Trying to Be Her

Becoming someone else isn’t your end goal. When I was younger, I used to look up to women that I admired in business, performing, life (you name it), and I would begin to feel the pressure to become a certain way. I recently heard Julie Solomon say on a podcast, “Tell me what you’re envious of, and I’ll tell you what you should be doing.” Powerful, right? When we want something, we often don’t take the time to pinpoint what we actually want, so we start throwing darts at anything that sounds remotely close to our goal.

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