Posts tagged entrepreneurship
5 Easy Ways to Know Your Numbers

If you’ve ever watched the show Shark Tank, you know that all of the investors flip out when the entrepreneurs pitching to them don’t know their numbers. It took me a few years into entrepreneurship to understand the gravity of those moments because, as my favorite entrepreneurship professor would always say, cash is king. While I am by no means perfect at this, I do make it a habit to be consistently in the numbers of all my businesses and my own personal budget, so that I have an understanding of where my money is coming from and going. Because this is an area that absolutely terrifies most entrepreneurs, I’m going to give you my top tips to make this whole process a little bit simpler!

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You are Somebody's Expert

I was coaching a friend today through some different business concerns, and I asked her why she doesn’t share more about some of her most popular products. Her response was, “Well, I feel like that information is out there; I feel like everyone already knows it.” However, when we dug a little bit deeper into this thought, we discovered a lie that runs rampant in most of our businesses.

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The "Freedom" of Being an Entrepreneur

Because I’ve been self-employed since I was 22, I often have conversations where friends and acquaintances express that they, too, desire the freedom of being an entrepreneur. On one hand, I will always, always root for people to take charge of their careers and be entrepreneurial. I don’t regret it for a minute, and I can’t imagine working any other way.

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If You Don't Know How to Handle It

About 6 years ago now, my first Pure Barre studio was in the works. I had signed my franchise agreement, scheduled my move to COS, and was spending my days trying to graduate college and begin my future. If you’ve never read the story, feel free to scroll far back in the Business section of this blog and get the full scoop from 2014. If you told me back then that I would one day be closed because of a global pandemic, well, I wouldn’t have known how to handle that.

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Loving My Work Less Than My Life

I’m in a weird season of entrepreneurship. Pregnancy will do that to you, I guess. In many ways, 2020 has been a year of record highs and big dreams realized. I opened my second studio, hit big goals in my first studio, made great hires that have allowed me to delegate and breathe, and grown the Pure Barre brand in Colorado Springs. It’s been a hard year, too. We’ve had a lot of new hires to make and a lot of transience, and I’ve battled the uncertainty and questions that always come alongside a new venture.

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Competing Against Yourself

The older I get, the more I realize that perfectionism feels like you're racing yourself, and there are no limits. There is no finish line, no max speed, no goal that's out of reach. The world is at your fingertips, so you keep pushing forward, all the while aware of the fact that you're on a hamster wheel that never stops turning.

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Staying Emotionally Healthy as an Entrepreneur

My passions for wellness and nutrition not only keep me grounded, they have helped me to realize that prioritizing my emotional and physical health in business is the best thing I can do to be a good leader for my people.

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