Posts tagged live with intention
My Word for 2021: Wait

I mean, let’s all just sit back and think about how ironic it is that I chose savor (read last year’s post here) as my word for 2020. In a year that so many people wanted to run away from and forget (me included, at times), I truly feel like God gave me the opportunity to sit back, hand Him my stresses, and enjoy my new and perfect baby. In hindsight, I will continue to savor those moments of Sullivan’s first year for the rest of my life.

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My Word for 2020: Savor

savor (v): to enjoy food or an experience slowly, in order to appreciate it as much as possible

For the last few years, I have chosen a word (or words) to shape my focus for the 365 ahead. You can read about last year’s word, freedom, and find links to 2017 and 2018 on this post. Sometimes, the word I choose doesn’t make immediate sense to me, and the context plays out throughout the year. Other times, I feel like I have a moment of revelation, which happened to me in 2018, with my word abundance. It’s not any sort of hyper-spiritual practice or something I feel tied to doing forever, but I really enjoy goal setting, and I think of choosing a word as a mindset goal.

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