Natural Calm: Your Anti-Stress Drink

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about my favorite supplements, which you can read here, if you didn't catch it. Since then, I've been introduced to an awesome new supplement that I believe deserves it's own post - Natural Vitality's Natural Calm!

Most of us are magnesium deficient, and a lack of magnesium can contribute to stress, anxiety, insomnia, poor digestion, and so much more. I was most interested in trying it because I've had difficulty sleeping through the night lately because of stress, and I was hoping this could help. In addition, magnesium is great for those of us who are highly active and need our muscles to relax and repair. 

While you can read about the benefits of magnesium and Natural Calm here, I'll tell you about my own experience. The magnesium comes in a powdered form, and I used the unflavored one because I am currently on the Whole30. Their raspberry-lemon flavor sounds delicious, and I will try it when this round of Whole30 is done because it does contain stevia. The website encourages you to work up to the recommended serving size of 2 teaspoons, so I put 1 teaspoon in a few ounces of hot water (it fizzes like crazy to create the chemical reaction and completely convert the magnesium citrate), and then I added more hot water and tea! You can use it in cold water, too, but wait about 15 minutes in between mixing and drinking for the reaction to occur. 

Ross and I both had it, and we slept soundly through the night. Seriously, it was a noticeable difference! I would recommend taking it at night, after a meal, for optimal absorption. Also, I did feel tired/relaxed after drinking it, so night time was also a good decision for that reason. When I posted about it on my Instagram story, so many people reached out and also shared their experience with Natural Calm, and everything they said was positive. I can't wait to incorporate this into my regular routine!